With the closure of the maternity ward at the Mignot Hospital some years ago, pregnant women are now strongly encouraged to deliver their babies safely at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital in Guernsey, on Loveridge Ward. This is a fully staffed, midwife led unit with Obstetric Consultant leads.
There are no practising midwives on Alderney any longer, but a visiting midwife runs ante and postnatal clinics at the IMC every fortnight, weather permitting. Whenever possible, one of our GPs sits in with the midwife so both medical and midwifery concerns can be managed.
When the midwife is unable to visit Alderney, one of the GPs will undertake the scheduled antenatal care which will involve urine testing, BP checks and an examination, including listening for the baby’s heartbeat. Partners are very welcome to attend these clinics.
if there are any concerns about a pregnancy, the GPs will contact one of the obstetricians or midwives in Guernsey and arrange for the patient to go there as soon as possible.